American Pit Bull Terrier Golden Retriever Mix
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American Pit Bull Terrier Golden Retriever Mix

Updated: August 24, 2024

The American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix is quite rare, which isn’t surprising given how different reputations the parent breeds have.

Golden retrievers are America’s favorite dogs, ranking third on American Kennel Club’s popular breed list.

They are the friendliest gentle giants with fuzzy fur and permanently smiling faces. American pit bull terriers, on the other hand, look intimidating and have a poor reputation.

However, the bias is undeserved because American pit bull terriers are, in fact, wonderful family and service dogs if they are trained and socialized correctly.

This combination brings together the best of both breeds, presenting us with a confident, intelligent, and loyal dog.


Golden retriever American pit bull terrier cross is a large dog ranging from 17 to 24 inches in height and weighing 50 to 75 pounds. Females are typically shorter and leaner than males.

An American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix can be a perfect mixture of both breeds or resemble one more than the other. The ear setting and eye color can be different, but the snout is always longish.

American pit bull terriers and golden retrievers have completely different coat types, so their cross coat is a toss-up. It can be short, medium, or long fur that’s either straight or wavy.

Golden retrievers only come in two colors – gold and red. However, American pit bull terriers have a wide color range, so the Pitbull golden retriever mix has 18 color variations, including solid gold, black, red, and patterned.


Golden retriever American pit bull terrier mix temperament is unpredictable because the parent breeds differ. Golden retrievers are outgoing, curious, confident dogs that are quick to make friends with strangers and other animals.

They are affectionate with family and sometimes sensitive, suffering when left alone. Goldens make excellent family dogs because they are patient and gentle with kids and have a low prey drive.

American pit bull terrier temperament is largely misunderstood. Many believe that these dogs are aggressive because they were historically used in dog fighting rings.

However, no dog is born aggressive. Some American pit bull terriers may be such because of a lack of training, socialization, or a history of abuse, but most Pitbulls are friendly and affectionate.

They are also very protective of their territory and owners, so they need proper socialization. Pitbulls have a high prey drive and may chase smaller animals.

An American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix is guaranteed to be packed with energy. These dogs are playful, sometimes goofy, and very loyal to their owners, but whether the cross will react well to strangers depends.

Intelligence & Trainability

Golden retrievers are ranked fourth among 138 breeds in Stanley Coren’s working dog intelligence study, and American pit bull terriers are ranked 48th, so they are above-average smart.

Both breeds quickly memorize commands, have a high obedience rate, and have excellent communication skills. They can read human emotions by body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice and quickly assess the situation.

Consequently, the American pit bull terrier golden retriever cross is equally smart. However, American pit bull terriers are independent dogs that sometimes act faster than the owner manages to give a command.

For this reason, the golden retriever American pit bull terrier cross needs an owner who is experienced in dog training and can establish the hierarchy.

This cross is an excellent service dog because of its physical strength combined with intelligence and obedience.

Despite the stigma surrounding Pitbulls, they don’t pose a threat to people in public places if adequately socialized.

An American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix can also make a great protection dog, but it isn’t born to be a guard dog because it’s too attached to people and cannot live outdoors.


Although crossbreed dogs are typically healthier than purebred ones, the American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix can inherit some medical conditions from either of the parents or develop diseases throughout its lifetime.

Both parent breeds are prone to hip dysplasia. The condition is widespread among large dogs, resulting from improper development of the hip joint and causing issues with mobility.

Kneecap dislocation is another common problem in American pit bull terriers and golden retrievers. The issue can be caused by trauma but is usually inherited.

The parent breeds are also susceptible to skin conditions, particularly if they don’t get regular grooming. Goldens are prone to ear infections because of their love for water and ear canal anatomy.

Both breeds are prone to epilepsy and cancer. While the American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix is at a lower risk, owners should watch out for abnormalities to provide their pet with timely treatment.

Lastly, many goldens and Pitbulls have thyroid problems, causing changes in energy levels and appetite and affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


The American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix grooming depends on a particular dog’s coat type, which, as you know, can be any. The short-haired Pitbull golden retriever cross is low-maintenance when it comes to grooming.

These dogs only need weekly brushing with a rubber glove or soft brush and occasional bathing. Although such short hair doesn’t tangle, brushing helps evenly distribute skin oils.

The long-haired American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix needs daily brushing to eliminate tangles and prevent matting. Brushing also helps spot parasites that may be hiding in the fur.

Long-haired Golden Retriever Pitbulls don’t need haircuts and should never be shaved, even in summer. Shaving can permanently damage their undercoat and intervene in the body’s natural thermoregulation.

Additionally, owners should establish an ear cleaning routine, which is especially crucial for dogs with drop ears. Regular teeth cleaning will help prevent dental problems, and claw trimming is vital for correct gait.

Exercise Needs

Both parent breeds need at least one hour of walking daily, and so does their cross. Note that American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix exercise needs depend on a dog’s age and health state.

Puppies shouldn’t exercise too much because excessive activity can put a strain on their joints, causing hip dysplasia. As a rule of thumb, puppies should get five minutes of walking per month of age.

There’s no need to force a senior dog to walk for two hours because many old dogs have joint, heart, or respiratory problems. Still, keeping an old dog active is vital for prolonging its lifespan.

American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix will appreciate vigorous exercise such as running, hiking, playing fetch, and swimming. These dogs are natural-born swimmers because of their golden retriever ancestors.

Life Expectancy

The American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix is a generally healthy dog that can live up to 15 years, which is uncommon for dogs of this size.

The reason for such great health is that goldens and Pitbulls are very far genetically. They were never crossed like, for example, goldens and Irish setters, so they are unlikely to pass genetic conditions onto their puppies.

However, a dog’s lifespan also depends on its lifestyle, so ensure that your dog gets regular veterinary care, eats a healthy diet, and exercises sufficiently.

Behavior Problems

Contrary to a popular American pit bull terrier myth, these dogs aren’t dangerous, but some may be aggressive because they aren’t socialized.

The Pitbull golden retriever cross, too, can behave nasty towards other dogs and strangers if it doesn’t get accustomed to unfamiliar environments and people from an early age. Aggression, in this case, is usually caused by anxiety.

Another widespread American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix behavior problem is separation anxiety. These dogs may have potty accidents, engage in destructive behavior, or vocalize excessively when left alone.

Many Golden Retriever Pitbulls pull on the leash and jump on people – they inherit these habits from friendly and curious goldens.

Fortunately, owners can resolve most American pit bull terrier golden retriever cross behavior issues with timely training and socialization.


The golden retriever American pit bull terrier mix is a rare designer cross, although the parent breeds are among the most popular dog breeds in the U.S.

Perhaps, the rarity can be explained by the bias toward Pitbulls. Many people are concerned about the temperament of these dogs and are worried they can’t handle it.


Usually, crossbreed dogs are cheaper than their purebred parents, but the American pit bull terrier golden retriever mix is an exception.

The Pitbull golden retriever mix price starts at $1,200 and can exceed $2,500 because it’s an unusual, rare cross, so the breeder selection is limited.

Furthermore, both golden retrievers and American pit bull terriers are expensive, so breeders must invest a lot of money before they can cross the dogs.

A puppy’s price also depends on its temperament, appearance, lineage, health clearances, breeder’s reputation, and location. Puppies from champion parents cost more because they are likely to inherit the traits that made their ancestors excel.

Health clearances can add to the cost, but they are always worth it because they guarantee a puppy didn’t inherit genetic conditions.


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