Everything To Know About Cream Golden Retrievers
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Everything To Know About Cream Golden Retrievers

Updated: August 24, 2024

Cream golden retrievers are rapidly gaining popularity in the U.S., which isn’t surprising given how beautiful the shade is.

If you, too, find light gold retrievers stunning, you may wonder how they differ from other goldens and how much they cost.

The color doesn’t affect a dog’s temperament or health directly, but many cream golden retrievers have European heritage, so they can differ slightly from American goldens.

Contrary to a popular golden retriever myth, the cream color isn’t rare. Some breeders call cream goldens “white” or “platinum,” reinforcing the misconception.

Regardless of your chosen golden retriever color, you cannot go wrong with this fantastic breed. These dogs are the most intelligent, friendly, and loyal of all canines.

Are Cream Golden Retrievers Rare?

You may have seen ads selling “rare white English golden retrievers” or “exclusive cream European golden retrievers” and wondered whether cream golden retrievers are rare.

In short, no. Golden retrievers are among the most popular dog breeds in the U.S., regardless of color.

If anything, red is the rarest golden retriever color because it isn’t recognized by the breed’s standard and primarily comes from field stock.

Claims of cream golden retrievers being rare are nothing more than a marketing trick intended to raise the price of regular golden retriever puppies.

Furthermore, golden retrievers can be extremely light cream but never white. “Exclusive white golden retriever” is either inaccurate wording of an inexperienced breeder or an attempt to trick you.

Surveys show that out of 600 golden retriever owners, over 50% owned a medium gold dog, over 30% owned a cream or light gold dog, and only 16% owned a red golden retriever.

So, every third golden retriever in the U.S. is cream or light gold. The estimated number of golden retrievers in the U.S. exceeds 750,000, so there are at least 225,000 cream golden retrievers in the U.S. alone.

Some people believe cream golden retrievers are rare because they typically have European roots.

English golden retriever type isn’t as widespread in the U.S. as the American or Canadian type because of difficulty in transportation and distinctions in the breed standard, which might affect a dog’s show performance.

Still, many breeders import English goldens to the U.S. and even cross them with American goldens because they have better health and denser coats. All golden retrievers are the same breed, regardless of the type and color.

Can an American Golden Retriever Be Cream?

Although the cream color is more common in English golden retrievers because the breed standard favors lighter shades, it’s also accepted by the American golden retriever standard but isn’t as widespread.

Most golden retrievers in the U.S. have a lustrous mid-gold color, at least ones participating in dog shows.

The American golden retriever standard also states that all shades of gold are acceptable, but extremely light predominant body color is undesirable.

Canadian golden retriever standard also accepts all shades of gold, from cream to darkest gold, but Canadian golden retrievers tend to be darker than English or American ones.

For this reason, the color alone isn’t sufficient to determine whether you’re looking at an English or American golden retriever.

If you admire the cream color, search for English golden retriever breeders or those mixing American and English goldens. Most cream American golden retrievers have English dogs in their ancestry.

However, if your goal is participating in dog shows, the cream color might hinder your success because American judges often perceive it as too pale and reduce points.

Note that most puppies appear cream until they change their coat for an adult one. To determine the future color of a golden retriever puppy, look at its parents.

Sure, sometimes, two darker goldens can produce a cream puppy, but you certainly won’t get a light gold puppy from red or mahogany dogs.

Cream Golden Retriever Grooming Needs

The cream golden retriever grooming is time-consuming yet straightforward. All golden retrievers are heavy shedders, regardless of the type and coat color.

However, English cream golden retrievers typically have longer and denser coats, so their shedding is more noticeable than that of American and Canadian goldens.

If heavy shedding is a serious concern for you, but you admire the cream color, look for a cream golden retriever with American heritage.

Most golden retrievers suffice with brushing three times a week. The best brush for golden retrievers is a slicker brush because it effectively untangles a long overcoat and removes debris from the undercoat.

However, using a slicker brush thrice a week isn’t enough during seasonal shedding phases in fall and spring. Golden retrievers blow their undercoat in a matter of weeks to adapt to the changing climate.

During this period, golden retrievers need daily brushing with a slicker brush and undercoat rake. The undercoat rake removes loose fur stuck in the undercoat to prevent matting and skin irritation.

How often to bathe a golden retriever ultimately depends on its lifestyle. Dogs that frequently swim in stagnant water or run in the woods need baths more often than dogs with a more sedentary lifestyle.

However, debris and dirt are more noticeable in cream color, so you might want to wash your dog more frequently than if it was mid-gold or red to enhance the beauty of its coat.

Most golden retrievers need a bath once a month. Additionally, they need nail clipping every two to four weeks, dental care several times a week, and ear cleaning.

Golden retrievers don’t need haircuts or shaving. But because cream golden retrievers tend to have longer, denser coats than other goldens, they will benefit from feather trimming to minimize tangling and keep the fur off the ground.

Cream Golden Retriever Temperament

The coat color doesn’t affect a dog’s temperament. Some breeders claim that it does, but that’s a perception mistake.

Puppies inherit the temperament traits of their parents. If a breeder always crosses the same cream dog couple, they will get similar results.

Like all golden retrievers, cream golden retrievers are even-tempered, friendly, outgoing, and confident. They are very loyal, form strong bonds with their owners, and can be protective when necessary.

Golden retrievers are curious and exuberant dogs that can sometimes be goofy even at an adult age. They are playful and make perfect companions for equally active people.

Golden retrievers are rarely aggressive and have a low prey drive. They are gentle giants and make wonderful playmates for children of all ages and other dogs. A golden retriever can even get along with a cat or smaller pet.

Goldens are among the most intelligent dogs. They quickly memorize commands and have a high obedience rate. These dogs also have impressive problem-solving skills and empathy.

Because of such trainability and good temperament, a golden retriever is one of the best dogs for first-time owners, provided that the owner exercises it sufficiently.

English cream golden retrievers tend to be calmer than American goldens, but that’s a matter of type rather than color. Cream and dark gold American golden retrievers from the same litter are likely to be equally energetic.

Cream Golden Retriever Exercise Needs

A golden retriever is a hunting dog with immense energy levels and stamina. Adult golden retrievers need at least one hour of walking or 40 minutes of vigorous exercise daily. The more energy-consuming an activity, the shorter its duration.

Golden retrievers appreciate swimming, playing fetch and tug of war, hiking, and tracking games. They like mentally stimulating activities that provide them with new challenges.

Because cream golden retrievers typically come from show stock rather than field stock, they have lower energy levels. Still, regular exercise is vital for their physical and emotional well-being.

Puppies and senior dogs need less physical activity. Puppies need about five minutes of exercise per month of age, whereas senior dogs should walk as much as they can.

Cream Golden Retriever Price

Golden retriever puppy prices start at $500 and can exceed $3,000 for a show-quality puppy. The puppy’s price depends on many factors, including its appearance, temperament, linage, color, and the breeder’s reputation and location.

The rarer the color, the more expensive the puppy. Although American dog judges prefer mid-gold shades, cream dogs are in high demand because they are undoubtedly beautiful.

Plus, cream golden retrievers aren’t as widely available in the U.S., so expect to pay at least $800. If you want an English cream golden retriever, save up at least $1,000.

Puppies with champion bloodlines always cost more because they are likely to inherit the traits that made their ancestors excel. However, a particular puppy’s compliance with the breed standard also plays a role.

Two littermates can come at different prices depending on their odds of winning a show. Experienced breeders typically charge more because they invest more effort into upbringing their puppies and have better bloodlines.

The cream golden retriever prices tend to be higher in states with a higher cost of living. If you’re on a budget, you can find a rescue cream golden retriever for under $500.

However, you should remember that the annual cost of owning a golden retriever exceeds $2,000, even if the dog doesn’t need frequent veterinary care.


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