Best Hunting Knife • Reviews & Buying Guide
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Best Hunting Knife • Reviews & Buying Guide (February 2025)

Updated: January 20, 2025

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

After 44 hours spent researching the best hunting knifes, we think Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife is the best for most people.

This choice is based on several criteria: brand, color, handle material, blade material, blade specs, blade shape, overall length, blade length, thickness, mechanism, water resistant, easy maintenance, best use, weight, and warranty, among other things.

 ProductPriceOverall RatingQualityEase of UseAppearanceSturdinessValue for Moneybrandcolorhandle materialblade materialblade specsblade shapeoverall lengthblade lengththicknessmechanismwater resistanteasy maintenancebest useweightwarranty
Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeCheck Price4. KnivesBlack wood & brassWoodStainless steel420HC Clip point4.875 in3.7 in0.12 inFoldingYesYesHunting0.45 lbsLifetime
Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeCheck Price4. KnivesWood & gold / Black & silverCocobolo wood / Phenolic resinStainless steel420HC Clip point10.5 in6 in0.175 inFixed bladeYesYesHunting0.47 lbsLifetime
Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting KnifeBenchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting KnifeCheck Price4. / Black & grayStabilized wood / G10 fiberglassStainless steelCPM-S30VDrop point6.32 in2.67 in0.14 inFixed bladeYesYesHunting0.4 lbsLifetime
Benchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting KnifeBenchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting KnifeCheck Price4. & grayGrivory / VersaFlexStainless steelCPM-S30V Drop point7.84 in3.5 in0.158 inAXIS foldYesYesHunting0.32 lbsLifetime
Benchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting KnifeBenchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting KnifeCheck Price4. / Black & grayStabilized wood / G10 fiberglassStainless steelCPM-S30VDrop point6.97 in2.97 in0.114 inAXIS foldYesYesHunting0.32 lbsLifetime

Selection Of The Best Hunting Knifes

Here are the best hunting knifes for most people according to Outlinist:

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife
(rated 4.3 / 5)
Ease of Use
Value for Money
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When it comes to hunting knives of any kind, you want to make sure that you go with the best choice for your needs.

There are plenty of options to choose from, so it’s important to be a bit discerning about your decision.

To avoid making the wrong choice, there are some things you should keep in mind when choosing a knife.

Your knife should be versatile, allowing you to do numerous tasks with ease. It should also be durable and fit into your hands properly.

Without these features and more, you could end up disappointed. Luckily, there is a hunting knife for you.


Its simplicity is what has gained the 110 so much recognition and merit over the years, so there’s no need to fuss over something as small as its aesthetics.

The Buck knife has become synonymous with a specific style of blade, which you have the Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife to thank for. The 110 is truly an American icon, with a design that is rustic and perhaps sets it apart from newer styles of folding knives.

Since it is made for function, it’s easy to overlook its aesthetic and focus on the good qualities of this knife instead of its tried and true 50 year old design. Its simplicity is what has gained the 110 so much recognition and merit over the years, so there’s no need to fuss over something as small as its aesthetics.

The blade’s clip point allows it to be used most effectively in any application. Along with a highly functional point, the blade is impressive in another way – it can be sharpened very easily.

brandBuck Knives
colorBlack wood & brass
handle materialWood
blade materialStainless steel
blade specs420HC
blade shapeClip point
overall length4.875 in
blade length3.7 in
thickness0.12 in
water resistantYes
easy maintenanceYes
best useHunting
weight0.45 lbs

While the 420HC steel is pretty exclusive to this brand, there is something to be said about sharpening a knife to supreme sharpness. Some materials never get past a certain sharpness, but there are no issues with the Buck 110.

This knife doesn’t have a clip attached to it, so you’ll need to carry it within the leather sheath that comes with it. While this can be a bit of an inconvenience for those used to clips or lanyards, it is the traditional way to carry a knife.

While the 110 is called a hunting knife, it has a perfect balance in its proportions and its lines that make it the ideal tool for any task that requires cutting, piercing, or slicing.


If you find any defects with your tool, or if it can’t perform the way you need it to, you can contact the manufacturer.

There’s a lot to look forward to when it comes to the Buck Knives 110 – it doesn’t disappoint. There are plenty of features that will catch your interest and reassure you that this knife is what you need for everyday use and use in the field.

  • Easy to open: A convenient nail notch located on the blade makes it easy to get the blade open without struggling. It also uses a secure lock back mechanism that keeps it from opening without your intention. This is imperative when it comes to keeping you safe while working and preventing accidents or injuries.
  • An astounding lifetime warranty: Like all models made by Buck Knives, this one comes with a forever warranty. If you find any defects with your tool, or if it can’t perform the way you need it to, you can contact the manufacturer. Built like no other hunting knife, the care that has gone into its design is immaculate and makes for an excellent experience when using it.
  • A sheath made of genuine leather: If you’re in the market for a hunting knife with a leather sheath, then look no further. The sheath that comes with this knife is very high quality and made of genuine leather, so your blade won’t rub against abrasive material and lose its edge.
  • Convenient to carry everywhere you go: While the knife is a bit heavy and doesn’t have a pocket clip, you can still carry it securely wherever you travel. It isn’t very long and comes with a sheath that makes it easy to keep by your side at all times.
  • This knife can withstand the years: This is a knife that you can pass onto future generations with no worry of lessening its performance with frequent use. It withstands a lot and is made of durable materials, allowing it to last for years. Even after years, the blade will still look as good as new.
  • A true USA-made hunting knife: Like all Buck Knives, the 110 is made in the United States. This gives you confidence that you are working with a tool made on American soil, capable of doing whatever you need it to do. You can slice, cut, and saw most common materials and can even pierce precise holes.


The Buck Knives 110 is a fierce competitor to other hunting knife models, but it is not without its own faults. You should keep these in mind when making your choice.

  • There are no thumb studs: You will need to use two hands in order to get this knife unfolded. Since there aren’t any thumb studs, as they weren’t common at the time the 110 was released, you can’t simply flip it open or use one fluid motion to unfurl the blade.
  • The lock can be wobbly: While there is no doubt in the safety of the knife, it is done a bit poorly. You can also feel it flexing when making downward cuts. You can move the blade in almost every direction, which doesn’t feel as high quality as the blade itself actually is.
  • On the heavy end of things: If you’ve ever doubted why people look for a lightweight knife, then you should give the 110 a try. While its 7 ounces may not be particularly overwhelming, you’re going to notice it in your pocket or on your person. This is only a small takeaway, as it has no bearing on the knife’s function.



Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife

Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting KnifeBenchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBuck KnivesBuck KnivesBenchmade
colorBlack wood & brassWood & gold / Black & silverWood / Black & gray
handle materialWoodCocobolo wood / Phenolic resinStabilized wood / G10 fiberglass
blade materialStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
blade specs420HC 420HC CPM-S30V
blade shapeClip pointClip pointDrop point
overall length4.875 in10.5 in6.32 in
blade length3.7 in6 in2.67 in
thickness0.12 in0.175 in0.14 in
mechanismFoldingFixed bladeFixed blade
water resistantYesYesYes
easy maintenanceYesYesYes
best useHuntingHuntingHunting
weight0.45 lbs0.47 lbs0.4 lbs


Made in the USA to be tough and highly functional, the 110 hunting knife is versatile enough to handle any task.

There is something to be said about a knife that lets you accomplish everything you set your mind to, which is exactly what the Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife provides. This classic trendsetter is durable and secure, with a leather sheath to keep it in its place.

When it comes to style, you may find yourself wanting something a bit more modern. However, there is no substitute for the superior workmanship that has gone into this blade.

Made in the USA to be tough and highly functional, the 110 hunting knife is versatile enough to handle any task. And if you’re ever in doubt about what your choice should be, you certainly can’t go wrong with the famous Buck Knives brand.

Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife
(rated 4.4 / 5)
Ease of Use
Value for Money
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There are many hunting knife brands on the market looking to sell their products, but with knives it’s particularly important to look for high-quality gear from trusted and reputable brands.

By choosing a knife made by manufacturers that specialize in crafting and designing quality tools, you can be assured that the knife you choose will perform well.

While there is no singular knife that will be able to handle everything you need, you can start by finding the best available.

To do this, you need to know what to look for in a hunting knife. Some of these things include their size, the type and strength of the steel, the handle material, and more.

Buck Knives is a trusted brand that often comes to mind when it comes to recommending hunting knives.


You have a choice, depending on where you purchase the knife, of getting a nylon sheath or a leather one.

In 1902, Hoyt Buck made his first knife by hand with no idea how fast the industry would grow. More than a century later, his knives are still being produced and have only gotten better in their quality and precision.

The Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife is 6 inches and has a sheath included with it, allowing you to carry one of the best fixed blade knives on the market wherever you go. You have a choice, depending on where you purchase the knife, of getting a nylon sheath or a leather one. The leather sheath is recommended as nylon can cause wear and tear to the blade over time.

It has a traditional clip point, which makes it a good hunting knife for deer and all other types of game. The clip point blade shape gives this knife the ability to make fast and deep punctures in any animal, making quick work of any field tasks.

brandBuck Knives
colorWood & gold / Black & silver
handle materialCocobolo wood / Phenolic resin
blade materialStainless steel
blade specs420HC
blade shapeClip point
overall length10.5 in
blade length6 in
thickness0.175 in
mechanismFixed blade
water resistantYes
easy maintenanceYes
best useHunting
weight0.47 lbs

Another admirable quality of this knife is that is has been treated with the utmost care during the design and manufacturing process – particularly the blade. Well-known for its durability, the 420HC steel used by Buck Knives is enhanced even further by their proprietary heat treatment for superior corrosion resistance.

Whether you choose the Dymalux Cocobolo wood or the black phenolic handle, this hunting knife, engraved with a special Buck Knives 119 logo, looks and acts like the serious tool that it is.

A classic knife, it can be kept in the home for years, providing assistance at home or in the field when it is needed the most.


This blade is made with 420HC steel, which is known for its durability and strength.

The Buck 0119 meets all the expectations you could have for a precision hunting tool. It is sleek, durable, precise, and made with the avid hunter in mind. There’s much more quality to this piece of steel than meets the eye.

  • A crescent tip for precision and control: When it comes to hunting knife blade designs, the 0119 Special is manufactured with care and detail. It is thin and has a very sharp point, providing you with the utmost control when making punctures of all kinds when working with game and making tight cuts.
  • Extremely durable 420HC steel: This blade is made with 420HC steel, which is known for its durability and strength. The edge of the blade retains its sharpness throughout use, so you can do ample work before needing to sharpen it. It’s also resistant to corrosion, so there’s no worry of rust.
  • Ease in sharpening: While some models require professional sharpening, you can use normal techniques to maintain its sharpness. This is a great feature for those looking for something that will be frequently used and that needs to handle the tasks at hand.
  • You have a choice in the sheath: To keep your blade in one spot when it’s not being used, a sheath is handy. Some blades don’t include one, but the 0119 Special does, and you have options. The sheath can either be leather or nylon, depending on your preference and where you get the hunting knife from.
  • A nod to American ingenuity: This beauty was made in the United States of America, so you know that it is made of quality materials. The tough steel, high quality materials used in either the wood or phenolic handles come together to create something that leads the pack of tactical fixed blade knives.
  • A forever warranty: Since this brand came onto the market and made a name for itself, Buck Knives has offered an unsurpassed lifetime warranty on their products. This is due to their overwhelming confidence in the build of their premium hunting knives.


It took a while to find any flaws with this knife, as it is made with supreme care and detail. While they’re not deal breakers, you should consider these cons before making any decisions.

  • Blade is not as strong as other styles: While the blade of this knife is superb in several ways, it isn’t as strong as some of the other hunting knife blade styles available. You’ll need to take care and be kind to this knife if you want it to last for a significant amount of time.
  • The handle can get slippery: With the wood handle, you should be prepared for a bit of a slippery experience. This may not be ideal for those that plan on doing messy jobs, such as skinning or piercing game.
  • May be too small for some users: While this blade is capable of handling any task that you need, especially if it involves slicing and piercing, one common complaint is the size. While this is not something that would cause a change in decision, it is something to consider.



Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting KnifeBenchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBuck KnivesBuck KnivesBenchmade
colorWood & gold / Black & silverBlack wood & brassWood / Black & gray
handle materialCocobolo wood / Phenolic resinWoodStabilized wood / G10 fiberglass
blade materialStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
blade specs420HC 420HC CPM-S30V
blade shapeClip pointClip pointDrop point
overall length10.5 in4.875 in6.32 in
blade length6 in3.7 in2.67 in
thickness0.175 in0.12 in0.14 in
mechanismFixed bladeFoldingFixed blade
water resistantYesYesYes
easy maintenanceYesYesYes
best useHuntingHuntingHunting
weight0.47 lbs0.45 lbs0.4 lbs


Not only is it made on American soil, it is made to last. You can pass this knife on from generation to generation and know that its performance will not falter.

There are not a lot of complaints about the Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife and it’s easy to see why. This knife was made with care and precision, making it one of the best hunting knives you could choose.

Not only is it made on American soil, it is made to last. You can pass this knife on from generation to generation and know that its performance will not falter. The tip is made for precision while the steel used allows for easy sharpening and a strong blade.

When you work with the 0119, you’re getting a knife that you can use on a daily basis for years at a time. Can you say that about any of the other, cheaper blades on the market?

Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife

Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife
(rated 4.6 / 5)
Ease of Use
Value for Money
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When it comes to the hunting knife you want with you in the field, there is never enough research that can be done.

With so many brands on the market, it’s important to be discerning when making a selection for what you would like to use for hunting purposes of any kind.

There are some things that you should be aware of before making purchases as well as some things to look for.

A good hunting knife should be versatile enough to use for several different tasks. It should also be strong, resistant to wear, and designed with precision in mind.

Too many brands miss the mark, but Benchmade is one that is spot on.


This knife has a rustic handle that shows its intention – to be used by hunting professionals and enthusiasts.

Benchmade has made it their mission to produce the best fixed blade hunting knife possible. With the Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife, they have met their expectations and then some.

This knife has a rustic handle that shows its intention – to be used by hunting professionals and enthusiasts. It’s made of G10, which is very hard while also being lightweight. Holding this knife, you would never be able to tell the power it holds.

Once you put the Hidden Canyon to use, however, you will understand its abilities. Not only is the handle made of strong material, the blade is as well. With some of the hardest steel available, S30V steel, the knife has amazing edge retention and will stay sharp even with heavy use.

colorWood / Black & gray
handle materialStabilized wood / G10 fiberglass
blade materialStainless steel
blade specsCPM-S30V
blade shapeDrop point
overall length6.32 in
blade length2.67 in
thickness0.14 in
mechanismFixed blade
water resistantYes
easy maintenanceYes
best useHunting
weight0.4 lbs

Since the steel is so sharp, you will need to speak to the hunting knife manufacturers, Benchmade, to get it sharpened. They have a Lifesharp warranty that allows you to keep your blade in pristine condition without having to pay any fees. All you need to do is send them your blade and wait for it to be returned in amazing condition.

The style of the blade is the common drop point shape, which is ideal for knives that are meant to be used for all purposes. It’s also the best blade shape for hunting knives, as it allows you to cut, skin, and pierce game with professional precision.

This Hidden Canyon knife is ample competition for all of the others, possibly even being the best Benchmade hunting knife you could seek.


The benefits of fixed blades are numerous, as you won’t have to worry about breaking like you would with a folding knife.

There is no better way to make a hunting trip great than to have all the necessary tools by your side. The list should include the Hidden Canyon, with all of its many advantages and handy features that come to the rescue in many situations.

  • Strong & durable G10 handle: This handle looks as though it is made of wood, but it is actually laminate composite made using fiberglass. The process used to craft the handle makes the material very tough but doesn’t add much weight, so the knife isn’t heavy, and you don’t sacrifice any strength.
  • Made from some of the toughest American steel: CPM-S30V steel is used to make some of the highest quality military knives, professional chef knives, and other tools that need sharpness and durability to remain functional. This steel is ranked high for its toughness, so you can expect precision work.
  • Fixed blade for everyday carry: The benefits of fixed blades are numerous, as you won’t have to worry about breaking like you would with a folding knife. When it comes to fixed blade knives, EDC collectors will enjoy having the Hidden Canyon by their side while in the field and at home.
  • A hunting knife with full tang: This Benchmade model hunting knife is full tang, making it strong and durable. You’ll be making a lifetime investment with this knife, so be prepared to keep it by your side to help make any task easier. It’s truly one of the best; an EDC hunting knife that you can count on in any situation.
  • Carry it comfortably in several ways: The handle has a lanyard hole, which comes in handy when dressing large game. It adds safety to the process and lessens the chance of dropping or losing the hunting knife. It also comes with a sheath, giving you a secure place to hold it while not in use.
  • Lifetime warranty: Benchmade provides every owner of one of their hunting knives with a lifetime warranty that includes Lifesharp – a free service that allows you to get the knife cleaned, oiled, adjusted, and sharpened with razor precision. All you have to do is send it in and they’ll return it to you in brand-new condition.


Benchmade puts a lot of time and care into their products, leading to difficulty when it comes to finding something wrong with this piece of equipment. Its flaws are miniscule when compared to the supreme quality of the hunting knife.

  • You’ll need professional sharpening: The steel that this blade is made from is very tough, so you can forget about using normal sharpening methods. The Hidden Canyon will need to be sent to the Benchmade for professional sharpening and maintenance unless you know of a way to sharpen CPM-S30V stainless steel.
  • The broad tip may not pierce adequately: The drop point blade has a bit of a disadvantage. It has a broad tip which takes away from its ability to pierce. With clip point tips, this is not an issue. However, the drop point style is still ideal for most hunting situations you’ll encounter.
  • The sheath may be loud during use: While the Kydex sheath is made of thermoplastic materials that lend to its durability, you may notice some noise when unsheathing the knife. Another thing to be aware of is its tendency to dull the edges over time.



Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting KnifeBenchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBenchmadeBuck KnivesBuck Knives
colorWood / Black & grayBlack wood & brassWood & gold / Black & silver
handle materialStabilized wood / G10 fiberglassWoodCocobolo wood / Phenolic resin
blade materialStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
blade specsCPM-S30V420HC 420HC
blade shapeDrop pointClip pointClip point
overall length6.32 in4.875 in10.5 in
blade length2.67 in3.7 in6 in
thickness0.14 in0.12 in0.175 in
mechanismFixed bladeFoldingFixed blade
water resistantYesYesYes
easy maintenanceYesYesYes
best useHuntingHuntingHunting
weight0.4 lbs0.45 lbs0.47 lbs


With the Hidden Canyon, you are truly making an investment. Like all Benchmade knives, it comes with a warranty that allows you to keep the knife in pristine condition.

When it comes to the Benchmade Hidden Canyon 15016-1 Hunting Knife, there is hardly a better choice. While it may not make the best punctures, it makes up for it with its versatility and ergonomic comfort.

With the Hidden Canyon, you are truly making an investment. Like all Benchmade knives, it comes with a warranty that allows you to keep the knife in pristine condition. If you ever need to sharpen the super tough steel, you can simply send it in to the manufacturer.

This blade is unlike any other when it comes to the supreme ease and precision when handling it. If you want to have a solid piece of gear by your side, then consider this model from Benchmade.

Benchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting Knife

Benchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting Knife
(rated 4.8 / 5)
Ease of Use
Value for Money
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Knives are essential when you’re planning on going out in the field, so choosing the right one is crucial for any hunter.

There are many different blade styles to choose from depending on the specific tasks you often find yourself doing.

While many hunters put their faith in a single hunting knife, many others use different blades for different jobs.

When you’re looking for a new addition to your collection of tools, you should invest in something of high quality with excellent performance.

Instead of getting a knife that is cheap and made of steel that will dull and have you struggling to complete even simple tasks, you should find something more reliable.


The Grizzly has thumb studs that make it easy to open the knife using just one hand.

For a superior hunting knife of steel, there is no better choice than the Benchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting Knife. It’s made for hunting, so you are working with something that can definitely take care of what needs to be done.

The first thing you will notice about the Grizzly Ridge is the handle’s brilliant orange color. This color is ideal for hunters, giving them the ability to find their equipment if it drops or falls no matter what type of area you’re in.

The handle is made of Grivory and has a Versaflex inlay. Grivory is one of the best materials for hunting knives due to how durable it is and its ability to absorb liquids along with its chemical resistance.

colorOrange & gray
handle materialGrivory / VersaFlex
blade materialStainless steel
blade specsCPM-S30V
blade shapeDrop point
overall length7.84 in
blade length3.5 in
thickness0.158 in
mechanismAXIS fold
water resistantYes
easy maintenanceYes
best useHunting
weight0.32 lbs

Being able to absorb liquids and remain resistant to chemicals comes in handy when doing messy work, so you can get things done without any slipping. To avoid losing your knife, you can attach a hunting knife lanyard to the handle.

The Grizzly has thumb studs that make it easy to open the knife using just one hand. Being able to open it with a single movement comes in handy when in the field, working with game and needing to maneuver swiftly.

This beautiful and versatile knife, modelled after the Grizzly Creek, is comfortable and designed for all manner of hunting utility. It’s resistant to rust as well as corrosion, so you will have a knife that you can count on throughout the years.


While this knife has a pocket clip so that you can carry it clipped onto anything, it also features a lanyard hole, allowing you more versatility.

The Grizzly Ridge is superior when it comes to quality and precision. You can accomplish many tasks with this knife while also taking care of your everyday needs. It has many admirable facets that you may find useful when in the field.

  • Versatile ways of carrying it: While this knife has a pocket clip so that you can carry it clipped onto anything, it also features a lanyard hole, allowing you more versatility. If you’re adventurous and don’t want to take any chance of the clip slipping, a lanyard is the next best option.
  • Made precisely for hunting: This is the best hunting knife for one simple reason – it was designed specifically for hunting. It makes an excellent skinning knife and is built for any task you have at hand. Its function is unmatched when it comes to anything you have to do while in the field.
  • A great addition to any EDC collection: The Grizzly Ridge may be made for hunting but it is also ideal for everyday carry. Whenever you’re in need of something sharp and precise, this is a tool you’ll want to reach for. It’s sharp and sturdy, with the classic drop point blade. No matter what you require, this model is capable of handling the task.
  • Maintenance-free sharpened edge: This hunting knife blade is very sharp, so you won’t have to worry about sharpening it for a long while. Even with heavy use, the durable steel could keep its sharpness for several months or even years. Its strength is a testament to American steel.
  • Rubberized grip to eliminate slipping: The handle has been molded using glass-filled nylon, which is a primary factor of its durability. The materials used, Grivory fitted with a Versaflex inlay, are very high in strength, ensuring that there’s no chance of the handle breaking while on any adventures or in the field.
  • Built from the finest materials available: While the orange handle grabs your attention first, the blade’s craftsmanship will be the next thing to catch your eye. The CPM-S30V steel gives this blade an ultra sharp edge that resists corrosion and keeps it from losing its edge over time.


There is never going to be a perfect hunting knife – they are made with a specific purpose in mind and sometimes fall short in certain aspects. While the Grizzly is superior in many aspects, it does fall short in some areas.

  • May be a bit too smooth: One problem that you may notice is that the dome near the bar of the thumb studs is a bit too smooth. While most AXIS bars have this characteristic, it isn’t much of a problem on other knives. With this model, it feels a bit as if your thumb is slipping during use which detracts from the overall experience.
  • The handle may wear down with heavy use: Over time, you may find that the handle begins to show signs of wear and tear. It could smoothen down around the sides and corners. This is simply an aesthetic issue, as it does not affect the function of the knife itself.
  • Some difficulty when sharpening: Because of how hard the steel on the blade is, you’ll have a bit of trouble sharpening it with the normal methods. However, you can always send it off to Benchmade for professional sharpening as the Grizzly falls under their free Lifesharp service. While this may be a tad inconvenient, it guarantees a fine sharpening job each time.



Benchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting KnifeBenchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBenchmadeBuck KnivesBuck Knives
colorOrange & grayBlack wood & brassWood & gold / Black & silver
handle materialGrivory / VersaFlexWoodCocobolo wood / Phenolic resin
blade materialStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
blade specsCPM-S30V 420HC 420HC
blade shapeDrop pointClip pointClip point
overall length7.84 in4.875 in10.5 in
blade length3.5 in3.7 in6 in
thickness0.158 in0.12 in0.175 in
mechanismAXIS foldFoldingFixed blade
water resistantYesYesYes
easy maintenanceYesYesYes
best useHuntingHuntingHunting
weight0.32 lbs0.45 lbs0.47 lbs


There’s a lot to consider when picking a hunting knife to work with, but there are no worries with the Grizzly Ridge.

If you’re in the market for a knife that will last for the longest time possible, then you should look at the Benchmade Grizzly Ridge 15061 Hunting Knife. This knife is made to last, as Benchmade used only the highest quality materials.

There’s a lot to consider when picking a hunting knife to work with, but there are no worries with the Grizzly Ridge. This blade is capable of handling everything and making short work of big and messy jobs.

The handle stays secure in your hand, even when it’s wet or slick while working. There are just so many things that set this knife apart from the rest that it would be a shame not to give it a try.

Benchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting Knife

Benchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting Knife
(rated 4.9 / 5)
Ease of Use
Value for Money
Check Price

The type of knife you have is crucial when you’re in the field and need to break down game cleanly and with no problems.

For a clean job, you need a hunting knife that you can rely on to get things done.

As with any piece of equipment or hunting gear, it is much wiser to invest in something that will last and perform well instead of going for something cheaper.

While you could save some money, you could also lose out on valuable time and may struggle to complete tasks.

Getting a good knife is crucial, so you may want to consider one from one of the best brands available.


It delivers the smoothness of a longer blade with the precision and convenience of smaller blades.

A sturdy and lightweight knife, the Benchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting Knife is a force to be reckoned with.

It delivers the smoothness of a longer blade with the precision and convenience of smaller blades. It can perform smooth cuts and makes skinning game easy and quick.

The North Fork is one of the best general purpose knives, so you can use it for many tasks and can use it as an EDC. Its edges stay sharp, lessening the amount of maintenance required to keep it performing at its optimum capacity. They maintain their edge with stainless steel liners, which are on each Benchmade blade.

colorWood / Black & gray
handle materialStabilized wood / G10 fiberglass
blade materialStainless steel
blade specsCPM-S30V
blade shapeDrop point
overall length6.97 in
blade length2.97 in
thickness0.114 in
mechanismAXIS fold
water resistantYes
easy maintenanceYes
best useHunting
weight0.32 lbs

The blade is attached to a handle that has a great grip, protecting against slips and accidents. This is true even when your hands are slick or wet, so your blade stays where it needs to be. While functional, the handle is also beautifully crafted and minimal, so it fits just about everyone.

The North Fork is slim, with a point made of S30V steel that has been designed for doing tasks that require precision. While it may not be tough enough for certain jobs, it is certainly enough to get through everyday jobs and tasks in the field.

This knife is the perfect piece for everyday carry, with a clip that allows it to be fastened to your pants. For extra security, you can also attach a lanyard using the convenient hole, keeping your hunting knife right where it needs to be.


The North Fork fits into the palm of your hand comfortably, avoiding the problem of being too small.

There’s a lot to admire about the North Fork, so be sure to look at all of its features in order to make the best choice when it comes to your next hunting knife. It is smooth, versatile, and has a host of other characteristics you will love.

  • A super smooth experience: This knife opens smoothly, cuts smoothly, and locks smoothly. You can use it for years before having to worry about sharpening it. But if you do ever need it sharpened, the North Fork comes with Benchmade’s famous Lifesharp service; simply send it in and they’ll restore it to its original condition.
  • Wooden handle is utilitarian and handsome: The handle on this knife is beautiful and practical with a wooden core. Since it’s pressure bonded and resistant to moisture, there’s no worries about the wood swelling or warping over time. It is stable and the blade stays secure much like other fixed blade hunting knives with metal or plastic handles.
  • The perfect size: The North Fork fits into the palm of your hand comfortably, avoiding the problem of being too small. While it’s comfortable to hold, it is also small enough to fit into your pockets and carry wherever you go. It even has a pocket clip to keep it secure on your person.
  • Perfect for everyday carry and use: Because this hunting knife handles so well, it is ideal for all tasks pertaining to hunting. You can skin game and make precise cuts with ease. When you’re not hunting, the Benchmade is perfect for accomplishing tasks around the home or in the field. It’s functional for all areas of life, making it perfect for the seasoned hunter.
  • An extremely functional blade: The drop-point blade is made of stainless steel with a cutting edge that is as large as possible on such a small blade. No space was wasted, as it is sharp starting at the pivot. There’s a slight recurve to the blade before it begins to arc upwards, creating the classic drop-point look.
  • Precision control even in wet conditions: The grips are highly functional, giving you extreme control even your hands are wet or covered in other materials. You can also keep your index finger lying against the spine while performing certain cuts, keeping the stainless steel blade even more secure in your grasp.


There simply isn’t a lot to dislike about this hunting knife. The makers were careful when designing the North Fork, avoiding most common problems. The issues it does have are minor and shouldn’t dissuade you from making the purchase.

  • No assisted opening feature: Some hunting knife blade types have a spring, enabling the user to simply start the action of opening the knife before it takes over and finishes the action. This is handy for those that want assistance, but it isn’t a necessary feature – not even in the slightest.
  • Not many customizable features in general: This model has a plain edge and a standard pocket clip with lanyard holes, but other than that there’s not much to customize with this hunting knife. The drop point blade style and the well-made handle are worth it, though, when you’re simply considering customization.
  • Thumb studs may not be ideal: While some people enjoy the thumb studs, others may find that they get in the way when performing certain cuts. A thumb hole might have been a better way to go, but that isn’t a big deal overall. It doesn’t take away from the ergonomics of the knife or its functionality.



Benchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting KnifeBenchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunting Knife

Buck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting KnifeBuck Knives 0119 Special Fixed Blade Hunting Knife

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBenchmadeBuck KnivesBuck Knives
colorWood / Black & grayBlack wood & brassWood & gold / Black & silver
handle materialStabilized wood / G10 fiberglassWoodCocobolo wood / Phenolic resin
blade materialStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
blade specsCPM-S30V420HC 420HC
blade shapeDrop pointClip pointClip point
overall length6.97 in4.875 in10.5 in
blade length2.97 in3.7 in6 in
thickness0.114 in0.12 in0.175 in
mechanismAXIS foldFoldingFixed blade
water resistantYesYesYes
easy maintenanceYesYesYes
best useHuntingHuntingHunting
weight0.32 lbs0.45 lbs0.47 lbs


The hunting knife design was made for supreme precision and the utmost amount of control.

The creators of the Benchmade North Fork 15031 Hunting Knife have really outdone themselves. While Benchmade is known for their high quality hunting knives, this model takes the cake and blows most out of the water with its sleek look, supreme functionality, and super tough blade steel.

The hunting knife design was made for supreme precision and the utmost amount of control. It won’t slip or become difficult to use if it’s wet or slimy, so you can continue working without any interruptions or delays.

If you’re looking for a truly special knife that you can take with you in the field or use on daily tasks, there is no better choice than the North Fork.


  1. L.L.Bean Recalls Knife with Sheath Due to Laceration Hazard, United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, Apr 12, 2018
  2. Gerber Legendary Blades Recalls Hunting Knife Sets Due to Laceration Hazard, United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, Nov 1, 2011
  3. TSA urges hunters and sportsmen to pack with care for air travel, Transportation Security Administration, Oct 7, 2005
  4. Damascus Knives, Missouri Department of Conservation, Nov 15, 2010
  5. Enzi, Lee introduce bill to protect knife owners while they get from A to C, U.S. Senator for Wyoming, Jan 24, 2014
  6. The Price of Freedom: Sam Houston's Hunting Knife, Americans at War, Jan 1, 1990
  7. Poison Hunting Knife, CareCure Community, Jul 3, 2015
  8. Hunting knife, Wikipedia
  9. History of Knife Hunting, HowStuffWorks
  10. Buck Hunting Knives, Buck Knives

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