Best Cat Flea Treatment • Reviews & Buying Guide
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Best Cat Flea Treatment • Reviews & Buying Guide (March 2025)

Updated: August 25, 2024

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

After 49 hours spent researching the best cat flea treatments, we think Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment is the best for most people.

This choice is based on several criteria: brand, type, function, action delay, efficiency, age range, cat size, kills flea, kills larvae, kills eggs, kills ticks, long lasting, waterproof, fragrance free, and easy to use, among other things.

 ProductPriceOverall RatingQualityEfficiencySafetySpeedValue for Moneybrandtypefunctionaction delayefficiencyage rangecat sizekills fleakills larvaekills eggskills tickslong lastingwaterprooffragrance freeeasy to use
Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentElanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentCheck Price4. & prevention30 mins1 month8 weeks up1.8 lbs +YesYesYesNoYesYesNoYes
PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentPetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentCheck Price4. ArmorTopicalTreatment & prevention24 hrs1 month8 weeks up1.5 lbs +YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea TreatmentBayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea TreatmentCheck Price4. & prevention12 hrs1 month8 weeks up9 lbs +YesYesYesNoYesYesYesYes
Vectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea TreatmentVectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea TreatmentCheck Price4. & prevention6 hrs1 month8 weeks up9 lbs +YesYesYesNoYesYesYesYes
Bayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentBayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentCheck Price4. & prevention2 hrs8 months10 weeks up9 lbs +YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Best Cat Flea Treatment

Indoor and outdoor cats both need the best cat flea treatment in order to ensure that they aren’t bothered by the pesky insects.

Flea treatments, flea and tick products, and even heartworm prevention options are well worth it because they extend your cat’s lifespan and keep them happy, too.

Outdoor cats are definitely different than their indoor cousins. While they still have many of the same needs – kitten food or cat food, a full water bowl or access to a cat water fountain, a comfy cat bed to sleep in, or the ability to enjoy their automatic cat feeder – they experience life a bit differently.

For example, an outdoor cat (or even a cat that is indoor/outdoor) has no need for a regular cat litter box or an automatic cat litter box, cat litter mat, or even cat litter. They can go outdoors! Cats that are used to being outside usually have a cat collar with ID, but rarely use a cat leash or cat harness.

Their need for a cat tree or cat toy is diminished because they have the entire outdoors to play in. They can scratch trees and the ground, so they don’t need a cat scratching post or cat scratching pad. And, if you have a garden, they can get their catnip from there.

But, their veterinary care is something that doesn’t change whether a cat is indoors or outdoors. You still need to put them in a cat cage or cat carrier, and they may need a cat cone if they have surgery or an injury.

While at the vet, you also want to be sure they have the best cat flea treatment possible. Any cat that goes outside is susceptible, and indoor cats aren’t safe either as fleas are notorious for finding their way into even the cleanest of homes.

Selection Of The Best Cat Flea Treatments

Here are the best cat flea treatments for most people according to Outlinist:

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment
(rated 4.9 / 5)
Value for Money
Check Price

Dealing with a case of fleas in your home can take every ounce of energy to fight and makes a cat very uncomfortable.

Getting the appropriate cat flea treatment can control these stubborn pests and provide relief to your entire household.

Fleas are very resilient and spread fast. They don’t need much time to completely infest a kitten or cat – this is why a flea medicine needs to act quickly.

You also want to look for something that is easy to apply or administer. Cats are already unhappy from the fleas, the medicine shouldn’t add to it.

The right choice will return a cat’s health and happiness.


Cheristin is a non-prescription treatment that is easy to apply and kills as well as protects against fleas.

Fleas are one of the most common problems cat owners deal with. When it comes to removing fleas, taking action right away is a must and Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment is the way to do just that.

Designed for external application, this topical treatment kills fleas on contact. By using a unique ingredient, Spinetoram, this medication paralyzes the nervous system of parasites. The huge benefit of this is that fleas die without causing any more harm to your pet.

When it comes to safety for your pet, this should be a top option. The formula isn’t too harsh and was created to work only for cats and kittens. Unlike medicine made for cats and dogs, you don’t have to weigh your pet or look up any ingredients and dosages when using this treatment.

functionTreatment & prevention
action delay30 mins
efficiency1 month
age range8 weeks up
cat size1.8 lbs +
kills fleaYes
kills larvaeYes
kills eggsYes
kills ticksNo
long lastingYes
fragrance freeNo
easy to useYes

Cheristin is a non-prescription treatment that is easy to apply and kills as well as protects against fleas. No matter the size of your kitty, just one dose can take care of their flea issue.

Besides being designed for cats, it also only targets the problem of fleas so you don’t have to worry about any extra ingredients being added that may be addressing a problem your kitty doesn’t even have.

Very effective and long-lasting, fleas will be taken care of, providing comfort to your cat. Use it to treat fleas or as a prevention medicine to ensure fleas never become a problem. This is one of the best targeted solutions to help felines suffering from this insidious pest.


The rounded-tip applicator makes this an easy topical flea cat treatment. The rounded tip is gentle on the skin while making the entire process much less messy.

Some flea medicines have strong formulas meant to handle issues that go beyond having fleas. If you need a flea killing treatment that is mild and gentle, yet effective to bring relief to your furry one, this Cheristin treatment is the one for you.

  • Effective formula: Spinetoram, an insecticide, is the powerful active ingredient that makes this treatment work so well. It combines the effectiveness of fipronil and imidacloprid, both commonly used cat flea treatment ingredients. After applying it, fleas are gone for up to six weeks before another dose is required.
  • Cats feel relief quickly: Having fleas is an awful experience for your feline friend so get them a cat flea treatment that works quickly. This treatment starts killing fleas within 30 minutes of being applied. Within 12 hours, 98-100% of fleas are gone.
  • Your cat’s nose will thank you: The smell of this cat flea treatment by Cheristin is pleasant, much better than the way flea treatments commonly smell. The lack of a foul chemical odor means that when you apply it to a cat, the smell won’t stress them out any further.
  • Safer option for flea removal: A more natural flea treatment for cats compared to more well-known brands, it has ingredients that are not too harsh on cats. Thanks to the gentle formulation, it can be used simultaneously with other insecticides without reactions to other chemicals.
  • Easy application: The rounded-tip applicator makes this an easy topical flea cat treatment. The rounded tip is gentle on the skin while making the entire process much less messy. Detailed instructions are included that clearly explain how to handle the product.
  • Specially designed for cats: Formulated especially for cats, there’s no need to worry if it is unfit for your feline. It can be used on any cat older than 8 weeks and weighing over 1.8 pounds, making it one of the most recommended cat flea treatments from vets.


Cat owners enjoy this Elanco product because it is easy to apply without making a mess and brings relief fast, but it does have a few issues. Before you decide if it is right for your pet, here are a few things you should know.

  • Best for indoor cats: Though it contains an effective flea-killing formula, it only keeps fleas away on cats that spend most of their time inside. Outdoor cats will find relief from the fleas that are on their skin, but it will be for a much shorter amount of time.
  • Doesn’t kill all fleas: Spinetoram is a mild insecticide that controls and treats adult flea infestations. This means that it doesn’t eradicate fleas in their other life stages – the eggs, larva and pupa left behind will still have to be dealt with or they can become a problem.
  • Side effects can be unpleasant: The less harsh ingredients still have a chance of causing unwanted effects on felines, especially since cats lick their fur and can accidentally ingest it. Some side effects to be aware of are hair loss at the area of application and nausea.

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentElanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentPetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea TreatmentBayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandElancoPet ArmorBayer
functionTreatment & preventionTreatment & preventionTreatment & prevention
action delay30 mins24 hrs12 hrs
efficiency1 month1 month1 month
age range8 weeks up8 weeks up8 weeks up
cat size1.8 lbs +1.5 lbs +9 lbs +
kills fleaYesYesYes
kills larvaeYesYesYes
kills eggsYesYesYes
kills ticksNoYesNo
long lastingYesYesYes
fragrance freeNoYesYes
easy to useYesYesYes


A one-size-fits-all solution, one dose is all it will take on any cat, no matter the size or age.

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment is a targeted topical solution that will effectively get rid of fleas that cause kitties discomfort, improving their health and comfort.

A one-size-fits-all solution, one dose is all it will take on any cat, no matter the size or age. The special formula is made specifically for felines and uses gentler ingredients, causing side effects that are less harsh than other treatments. Though it is only for removing adult fleas from indoor cats, it starts working fast and protects for a long time.

With easy application, quick relief and milder, yet effective ingredients, this is a cat flea treatment that will remove fleas from your pet and reduce the amount of time you spend trying to get rid of them.

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment
(rated 4.4 / 5)
Value for Money
Check Price

Fleas multiply quickly, covering just about every tiny space on your cat with eggs and larvae.

When treating fleas you see on a cat, it’s important to find the best cat flea treatment available that will get the situation under control.

When looking for a treatment that will remove fleas from an itchy cat and your home, there are certain features to look for.

There are a number of good treatments that are very good at killing fleas and repelling fleas.

The best products you’ll find will go a step further and remove the eggs left behind, protecting against reinfection.


The vet’s office can be a very pricey visit and PetArmor uses the same active ingredients as the major brands vets recommend and lasts 30 days between applications.

Every cat owner wants to provide their felines with the best possible treatment, especially when they are devastated by fleas and ticks. Treatments can be quite expensive and may not always work for your pet. PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment is made with high quality ingredients at a price that comes as a pleasant surprise to many.

Specially made for cat and kittens that weigh more than 1.5 pounds, one dose per month is all it takes to protect the felines in your life. A topical treatment with fipronil as the main ingredient, this flea treatment controls ticks and mites as well. When used monthly, it will prevent infestations from happening to your pet and inside your home.

The vet’s office can be a very pricey visit and PetArmor uses the same active ingredients as the major brands vets recommend and lasts 30 days between applications. The packaging is convenient and has directions that are easy to follow to help you administer dosages properly. You can rest easy knowing that the formulation is one that works.

brandPet Armor
functionTreatment & prevention
action delay24 hrs
efficiency1 month
age range8 weeks up
cat size1.5 lbs +
kills fleaYes
kills larvaeYes
kills eggsYes
kills ticksYes
long lastingYes
fragrance freeYes
easy to useYes

Not only does it eliminate fleas and ticks within 24 hours, it attacks every life stage a flea goes through. This means that adult fleas as well as the eggs and larvae are taken care of with one product.

If you have any problems with the product, get your money back. PetArmor stands behind everything they make 100% and deliver quality customer service.

Great for indoor and outdoor cats, the waterproof formula is guaranteed to work.


This is one cat flea treatment option that eliminates the risk by killing off fleas in every life stage so they can’t reach adulthood and harm your pet.

Often people think that name brands work better than lesser known ones, but this is not always the case. PetArmor offers cat owners the chance to get high quality anti-flea and tick treatment for less than the more well-known brands.

  • Gets rid of fleas & ticks: Cats will be much more comfortable after using this cat flea treatment with fipronil as its main active ingredient. The fipronil is released through the top layer of the skin to kill parasites and then works to prevent new ones from attaching.
  • Combats various stages of fleas and controls other pests: Another important ingredient found in this cat flea treatment liquid is s-methoprene. This ingredient acts as a backup to the main one (fipronil), killing off parasites that have survived the initial application, such as stubborn flea species and chewing lice.
  • Prevents reinfestation: Left behind flea eggs, larva and pupa can reinfect a cat. This is one cat flea treatment option that eliminates the risk by killing off fleas in every life stage so they can’t reach adulthood and harm your pet.
  • Waterproof: This is one of the better cat flea treatment products for outdoor pets because it continues to stay active even when the cat is wet. Now you can let them go outside without worrying if they will come back with fleas.
  • Comparable to more well-known brands: This anti-flea treatment holds up well in a cat flea treatment comparison with the leading brands. It has the look and feel of a name brand with a smaller price tag. For those looking for a cost-effective option that works, this is it.
  • Safe for cats: As far as cat flea treatment side effects go, this PetArmor product has minimal unwanted effects on cats. There have been few reports of any serious allergic reactions, rashes or burns. The formula is gentle enough to keep working on any pet.


Affordable, effective and safe, cats will be able to find relief when you apply PetArmor Plus anti-flea treatment to their skin. Depending on the level of the infestation you’re dealing with, though, it does have some shortcomings that may impact your purchase decision.

  • Not easy to apply: Instead of snapping or twisting, the tubes have to be cut open. The treatment is a bit watery so it’s important to carefully apply it so it doesn’t leak all over. A little bit of planning can make the application process a bit smoother.
  • Relief is not immediate: If your kitty is in need of immediate relief, this product doesn’t work that quickly. While other brands start attacking instantly, you won’t see fleas instantly and visibly falling off your pet. It takes some time – from 1 to 2 days – to start working.
  • Reapplication may be needed in less than 30 days: This product may not provide a full 4 weeks of protection. After about 3 weeks, a little bit less time than expected, fleas and ticks might be seen coming back.

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentPetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentElanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea TreatmentBayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandPet ArmorElancoBayer
functionTreatment & preventionTreatment & preventionTreatment & prevention
action delay24 hrs30 mins12 hrs
efficiency1 month1 month1 month
age range8 weeks up8 weeks up8 weeks up
cat size1.5 lbs +1.8 lbs +9 lbs +
kills fleaYesYesYes
kills larvaeYesYesYes
kills eggsYesYesYes
kills ticksYesNoNo
long lastingYesYesYes
fragrance freeYesNoYes
easy to useYesYesYes


Able to tackle cat infestations and prevent further problems, a monthly dose will provide everyone relief.

Confidently control the fleas and ticks on your pet and in your home with PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment. It keeps cats safe by killing fleas and ticks as well as anything else left behind, keeping diseases away.

Able to tackle cat infestations and prevent further problems, a monthly dose will provide everyone relief. The active ingredients target fleas, ticks and even chewing lice and keep them from coming back. Not ideal for cats that need instant relief, the fleas and ticks will be contained within 1-2 days as the formula begins to work.

Comparable to more well-known brands, overall this is an effective cat flea treatment with a price tag many cat owners appreciate.

Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment

Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment
(rated 4.3 / 5)
Value for Money
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Keeping fleas away from the felines in your household is a huge task. One that is much easier to prevent than it is to control and clean up after.

An effective cat flea treatment will greatly reduce the chances of a flea infestation from ever happening.

When looking for cat flea protection, topical solutions are a great choice because they allow you to spot treat the areas.

Highly effective, they can act fast because they get to the problem on the skin much faster than pills or other oral treatments.

Look for topical solutions if you need fast relief and you have a cat that doesn’t have overly sensitive skin.


This topical treatment is one of the top vet recommended flea treatments for cats because it kills fleas more effectively than any other product.

Indoor and outdoor cats get fleas. They are terrible for a cat to deal with and can negatively affect the health of your kitty if action is not taken right away. If you’re looking for a way to control fleas that have suddenly popped up on your cat, look no further than Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment.

This topical treatment is one of the top vet recommended flea treatments for cats because it kills fleas more effectively than any other product.

Designed specifically for large cats over 9 pounds, the active ingredients not only kill adult fleas, but will also reduce the chance of cats being reinfested. It does this by killing the left-behind larvae and eggs. Secondary flea problems common in felines, like allergy dermatitis, anxiety and anemia are also reduced.

functionTreatment & prevention
action delay12 hrs
efficiency1 month
age range8 weeks up
cat size9 lbs +
kills fleaYes
kills larvaeYes
kills eggsYes
kills ticksNo
long lastingYes
fragrance freeYes
easy to useYes

Fast acting, expect Bayer Advantage II to work in a very short time. Unlike many other treatments that only work once a flea has taken a bite out of your poor cat’s skin, this one paralyzes and kills fleas upon contact.

Approved by the FDA and completely safe for cats 8 weeks and older, the formula doesn’t come in contact with a cat’s tongue as they clean themselves.

No prescription is required and one monthly dose is all it takes to keep fleas away for up to a month. There is no competition when it comes to how effective this treatment is at removing fleas from an uncomfortable cat and improving the health of everyone in your home.


Within 12 hours of initial application, fleas are killed and within 2 hours any fleas trying to reinfest a kitty are killed.

When you don’t want to go through the hassle of getting a prescription and paying a lot of money to treat a cat’s fleas, Bayer Advantage II is the first thing vets will recommend and the first cat owners turn to.

  • Dependable and long lasting protection: Advantage flea treatment for cats is one of the few brands widely known to live up to expectations. Cats will be protected for 30 days without being pestered by fleas and you can work on getting rid of them from your home.
  • Starts working fast: One of the cat flea treatments that work fast, you’ll see your cat’s face fill with relief once you apply the treatment. It starts working within 5 minutes because it kills fleas on contact instead of waiting for them to bite.
  • Highly effective: Within 12 hours of initial application, fleas are killed and within 2 hours any fleas trying to reinfest a kitty are killed. The formula contains ingredients that kill fleas at multiple life stages, preventing eggs from ever hatching, to fully protect your feline’s health.
  • Very safe for cats: The active ingredient in this treatment never reaches a cat’s bloodstream, making it one of the safest flea treatments for cats. It is well designed for cats as it has some of the fewest side effects when compared to other brands.
  • Easy application: Applying the Advantage II for cats’ dosage is simple and straightforward. After parting the fur at the back of the neck, empty the contents of the tube onto the skin. Even the tube can be unscrewed silently so cats don’t hear the sound and run.
  • Fragrance free: There is no nasty smells radiating from the tube as you open it or when you apply it. The product is really free of scent because it noticeably doesn’t send cats into a frenzy when it is placed on them.


The brand every other flea treatment brand gets compared to, this anti-flea treatment by Bayer reliably removes flea infestations quickly and safely. The small issues with it are nothing to be concerned over if you want a treatment that works.

  • Dosages must be administered correctly: The Advantage 2 for cats’ directions are included for a reason: if the product is administered improperly it can cause some pretty nasty side effects that you don’t want a kitty to experience. Vomiting, balding and scars have occurred. Please follow the directions.
  • Can leave a greasy residue: The fast drying formula doesn’t dry so fast. Owners have experienced a greasy spot that remains on their cat and rubs off on the hands of children and owners. It can take up to 2 days for it to completely dry and soak in.
  • Don’t fail to use regularly: Though highly effective, a treatment cannot be missed. Many users of this product have noted that just skipping one or two days between applications can allow fleas to find their way to a cat. Be diligent about reapplying on time.

Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea TreatmentBayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentElanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentPetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBayerElancoPet Armor
functionTreatment & preventionTreatment & preventionTreatment & prevention
action delay12 hrs30 mins24 hrs
efficiency1 month1 month1 month
age range8 weeks up8 weeks up8 weeks up
cat size9 lbs +1.8 lbs +1.5 lbs +
kills fleaYesYesYes
kills larvaeYesYesYes
kills eggsYesYesYes
kills ticksNoNoYes
long lastingYesYesYes
fragrance freeYesNoYes
easy to useYesYesYes


Cats will feel incredible relief once a dose of this treatment is applied to the back of their necks.

When you want to be sure that fleas are not a danger to the cat living under your roof, Bayer Advantage II Prevention Cat Flea Treatment is the product of choice. Waterproof, fragrance-free and effective, it breaks the life cycle of fleas and keeps them from coming back.

Cats will feel incredible relief once a dose of this treatment is applied to the back of their necks. Within minutes the active ingredients go to work, removing adult fleas on contact, and killing them completely after only 12 hours. As long as you apply the medicine correctly, side effects are minimal and the product never reaches your kitty’s bloodstream.

Look no further than this highly effective cat flea treatment from one of the top brands in cat health when searching for a flea treatment.

Vectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea Treatment

Vectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea Treatment
(rated 4.8 / 5)
Value for Money
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When your favorite furball is infected with fleas, your entire home is infected with fleas, too, because fleas can and will get anywhere the cat has been.

Use a cat flea treatment to wipe them out and prevent them from coming back.

There are many types of treatments for fleas. You can choose between topicals, shampoos, powders, sprays and collars.

No matter which type of treatment you choose, it should be right for you and the cat who will be receiving the medicine.

The best treatments should be able to eradicate fleas effectively, keep them from coming back and work fast to provide relief.


Formulated to kill fleas that harm cats, it targets certain species that transmit tapeworm, bartonellosis and tularemia – all dangerous cat diseases.

Fleas are a constant threat to the health of cats. Infected fleas can cause serious discomfort and pain as well as transmit potentially dangerous diseases to your pet.

When you detect fleas, Vectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea Treatment is one of the best choices to kill them, prevent disease and protect your cat.

This topical treatment comes in the form of drops. Apply it to cats suffering from a flea infection or to keep them from ever getting infected in the first place. The active ingredients kill fleas on contact, meaning fleas don’t have to bite a cat to die, which adds another level of relief.

functionTreatment & prevention
action delay6 hrs
efficiency1 month
age range8 weeks up
cat size9 lbs +
kills fleaYes
kills larvaeYes
kills eggsYes
kills ticksNo
long lastingYes
fragrance freeYes
easy to useYes

Formulated to kill fleas that harm cats, it targets certain species that transmit tapeworm, bartonellosis and tularemia – all dangerous cat diseases. It also gets rids of fleas suspected of causing skin allergies and anemia. The powerful ingredients leave nothing behind but a happy kitty.

The drops are easy to apply, thanks to a thoughtfully designed applicator, and have minimal side effects when applied correctly. Using the drops also lower the chance that cats will come in contact with the active ingredients. Even if one does, this treatment discourages cats from coming in contact with it enough to get sick.

Made for cats only, use this flea treatment for kittens 8 weeks old and up that are larger than 9 pounds. One treatment a month is all that is needed to keep fleas away from pets as well as everyone else living in your home.


Use this treatment on cats that need immediate relief from flea bites and irritation.

Vectra is known for making products that focus on animal health and this one is no different. One of the most highly effective treatments to remove fleas, it will bring relief to your pet and remove pesky fleas from your home.

  • Effectively eliminates fleas: The two active ingredients in these cat flea treatment drops, dinotefuran and pyriproxefen, combine to form a powerful duo that gets rid of fleas. Not only does it decimate adult fleas, it also decimates fleas in the egg, larva and pupa stages.
  • Fast acting: Use this treatment on cats that need immediate relief from flea bites and irritation. Within 6 hours of application, adult flea infestations are wiped out. Many cat flea treatment reviews report the formula starts working almost immediately which makes for a much calmer cat.
  • Protection after infection: When used to treat an existing infection, not only will this flea medicine for cats get rid of fleas, it will also protect your pet against getting reinfected for another month. For those who understand how harmful and painful fleas can be, this is awesome.
  • Easy to apply: Unlike cat drops made by other cat flea treatment brands, Vectra’s drops utilize a patented extension tube that makes it easy to apply in hard to reach areas. It is also rounded to reduce the chance of hurting a cat’s skin.
  • Nice formula designed for cat safety: Fleas are killed on contact with this Vectra product, saving cats from extra bites. You’ll find that the formula is non-greasy, odorless and dries quickly without losing any fighting power. To protect cats from over-inhalation, the formula contains a bitterant to discourage too much sniffing.
  • Gets rid of fleas in your home: The best flea treatment for cats, this is one of the very few that can be used to clean the items in your home. Use it on blinds, lamp shades and any other typical hiding place of fleas to reduce the chance of reinfection.


Armed with powerful active ingredients, this Vectra Green treatment eradicates fleas on your pet and protects them from new infections. Though it gets a lot right, there are a few things to keep in mind before purchasing and using on your furry one.

  • Can get messy: One tube is all that is required to remove and/or prevent fleas, but it can get messy if too much is placed in the same area. It will take longer to dry and may become sticky. Be sure to spread it evenly.
  • Some fleas may be resistant: Just as is the case with most medicines, some fleas may be resistant to the formula. You shouldn’t expect miracles, but once applied, you should notice a drastic reduction in fleas on your kitty. If not, you may need to try a different solution.
  • Be careful with application: When applying the treatment to your pet, use the applicator tip to make a thin 3-4 inch thin line between the shoulder blades. Do not apply on the neck or in one area. It can cause chemical burns, hair loss or sores and rashes.

Vectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea TreatmentVectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea Treatment

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentElanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentPetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandVectraElancoPet Armor
functionTreatment & preventionTreatment & preventionTreatment & prevention
action delay6 hrs30 mins24 hrs
efficiency1 month1 month1 month
age range8 weeks up8 weeks up8 weeks up
cat size9 lbs +1.8 lbs +1.5 lbs +
kills fleaYesYesYes
kills larvaeYesYesYes
kills eggsYesYesYes
kills ticksNoNoYes
long lastingYesYesYes
fragrance freeYesNoYes
easy to useYesYesYes


The fast acting ingredients kill adult fleas in 6 hours and start to provide nearly instant relief once applied.

In this Vectra Green EPA Registered Cat Flea Treatment, two powerful ingredients combine to remove disease carrying fleas from cat fur, keeping felines healthier and happier. With easy application and a formula that lets you wipe down flea-riddled furniture, this product kills fleas in all stages of development.

The fast acting ingredients kill adult fleas in 6 hours and start to provide nearly instant relief once applied. Though application must be done correctly to avoid rashes and mess, this cat flea treatment does a great job at keeping the nasty little pests away from cats as young as 8 weeks old.

Fleas don’t have a chance against Vectra Green. Applied monthly, it effectively provides protection from fleas and kills them on contact, leaving cats and homes much better off.

Bayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

Bayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea Treatment
(rated 4.6 / 5)
Value for Money
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Fleas and ticks are a nuisance and take a lot of work to get rid of. If something isn’t done quickly, the infestation will become a health hazard for not only cats, but humans too.

An effective cat flea treatment will help.

Flea collars are one way to treat and prevent pest infestations that cats are at risk of catching.

Fortified with insecticides released in non-toxic doses, they offer protection that lasts much longer than other flea treatments.

Collars are easy to use, but the one you choose must be comfortable and safe enough that your furry kid won’t try to scratch it off or hurt themselves while playing.


The insecticides provide a great defense against ticks and fleas, killing them on contact.

A flea collar is a popular choice because it offers felines long lasting protection from fleas without much maintenance. The Bayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea Treatment is one of the most reliable collars available and is just as effective as drops and sprays.

Some collars use a cat flea treatment of essential oils to keep pests at bay, this one uses two insecticides: imidacloprid and flumethrin. Though it may be less organic than essential oils, it is very safe for your pet. The ingredients used in this product have been tested rigorously and are certified to be safely used on cats and young as 10 weeks old.

The insecticides provide a great defense against ticks and fleas, killing them on contact. The collar slowly releases low concentrations of both active ingredients, spreading from head to toe, to the tail, over a cat’s coat and skin.

functionTreatment & prevention
action delay2 hrs
efficiency8 months
age range10 weeks up
cat size9 lbs +
kills fleaYes
kills larvaeYes
kills eggsYes
kills ticksYes
long lastingYes
fragrance freeYes
easy to useYes

The formula works quickly, too. If a cat has ticks or fleas, they will be gone within 48 hours. Any new ticks or fleas that find their way on your pet will be gone in 2 hours, giving them no chance to set up a home in your cat’s fur.

The collar is built safely, reducing the chance that a cat can choke. It is also comfortable enough that cats won’t fuss about it.

Fleas are going to be taken care of and the possibility of a cat developing diseases is eliminated for up to 8 months when using this Seresto collar.


Place the collar around your pet’s neck, adjust it to a comfortable fit and then do nothing else!

Highly recommended by vets, the Seresto collar makes it easy to kill, repel and prevent flea and tick infections. It uses a patented sustained release technology to provide a long-term solution to fighting the pests that can make a cat’s life miserable.

  • Long lasting protection: This flea collar for cats is one of the most reliable and trusted products cat owners turn to for removing fleas and ticks. Its ability to provide coverage for 8 months long is far beyond anything close to what another brand or model can offer.
  • Effectively handles ticks and fleas: Imidacloprid and flumethrin are the active ingredients used in this cat flea treatment collar to drive fleas and ticks away. Both are excellent repellants, kill fleas in all stages of their lives and fleas don’t have to bite in order for it to work.
  • Great stretch capacity: When using collars, it’s important that they are breakable or stretchable to prevent choking if a cat gets tangled. It is designed with a fantastic two-way opening mechanism. First it opens upon force and then tears off if cats make a critical angle in it.
  • Hassle free and easy to use: Place the collar around your pet’s neck, adjust it to a comfortable fit and then do nothing else! No vials, messy blobs of fur waiting to dry or drops to fuss with. This collar is an easy way to get rid of fleas on cats.
  • Lightweight and comfortable: The material of the collar does not irritate a cat’s neck and most cats get used to its light weight quickly. It is non-greasy, doesn’t emit an unpleasant odor like other collars and even has reflective clips to see cats in the dark.
  • Safe for pets: The active ingredients in this collar have been selected carefully. When used together, they make other ingredients stronger which is why only small doses are needed to effectively remove fleas and ticks and a reason it is so safe, even for use as a kitten flea collar.


Often listed as the best flea prevention for cats, this Bayer Seresto collar offers a hassle-free solution for cat owners who are tired of reapplication, messiness or products that don’t work. There’s little that it gets wrong, but here are a few shortcomings to look out for.

  • Can cause allergic reactions: Your cat may be allergic to the active ingredients or the collar material. There’s an initial white powder that can causes rashes, especially on kittens. Monitor your cat closely for hair loss, diarrhea, watery eyes and other signs of skin irritation.
  • Adjusting the collar is tricky: Once the collar is around a cat’s neck, it should be adjusted, but it takes some patience. The collar can be loosened but it takes some work. You may have to pull relatively hard and some of the pins may break in the process.
  • Sleeping habits may have to change: When wearing the collar, it is not recommended that you let your kitty sleep with you or your children. If they are used to sleeping on your bed this could be a problem or you can simply switch their collar nightly.

Bayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentBayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

Elanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea TreatmentElanco Animal Health Cheristin Cat Flea Treatment

PetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea TreatmentPetArmor Plus Fipronil Tick & Cat Flea Treatment

PriceCheck PriceCheck PriceCheck Price
brandBayerElancoPet Armor
functionTreatment & preventionTreatment & preventionTreatment & prevention
action delay2 hrs30 mins24 hrs
efficiency8 months1 month1 month
age range10 weeks up8 weeks up8 weeks up
cat size9 lbs +1.8 lbs +1.5 lbs +
kills fleaYesYesYes
kills larvaeYesYesYes
kills eggsYesYesYes
kills ticksYesNoYes
long lastingYesYesYes
fragrance freeYesNoYes
easy to useYesYesYes


Designed taking every necessary precaution in mind, the collar is safe and comfortable for cats to wear.

Stop thinking about fleas and ticks and get the Bayer Seresto Collar Tick & Cat Flea Treatment. It reliably eliminates fleas and ticks for 8 months before it needs to be changed. There is nothing that comes close to its longevity and quality.

Designed taking every necessary precaution in mind, the collar is safe and comfortable for cats to wear. There will be some felines that are allergic to the product, but carefully monitoring your kitty’s behavior will alert you to any problems. It starts working quickly, removing current fleas within 24 hours and killing any new fleas and ticks within 2 hours.

There’s no denying that this is a top cat flea treatment trusted by cat owners everywhere. This is the best collar out there.

Buying Guide

Oral Options

Some of the most common options available for flea control are oral options, where your cat takes a pill and it protects their entire body. Fleas may still come and bite your cat, but they will die instantly and won’t have the chance to spread.

The best oral flea treatment for cats is going to be something that’s easy for the cat to ingest, whether it’s wrapped in a pill treat or crushed into their food.

Topical Options

As you look at options for topical flea cat products, you’ll often see them referred to as “spot on” treatments. These are some of the most inexpensive options, but they don’t always cover the cat’s entire body.

Usually, you just apply it to the skin (the back of the neck is best, because they can’t reach it) once a month or more if they have had flea issues in the past. They deter fleas from even trying to get on your pet and, if they do, they die instantly.

What Does it Kill?

Different flea treatments are going to do different things, but you want something that takes care of fleas at every stage of their life.

Look at the label to see what the product claims to kill. You’re looking for words like eggs, larvae, adults, pupa, or “entire lifecycle”. That way, your furry friend is going to have the protection that they need, whether it’s from a bite from an adult flea or eggs that get laid on the cat.


Since cats can be finicky, you want to be able to give them as few treatments or pills as possible. That’s why it’s usually best to find products that are “all in one” – for fleas, ticks, and/or heartworm.

Nowadays, most oral treatments have preventatives for all three of these pests. Spot-on treatments usually cover both fleas and ticks, so you would just need to get a supplement for heartworm prevention from your vet.

How Often Do You Apply It?

Oral preventatives usually last longer than spot-on options. Oral preventatives usually come in 3, 6, or 12 month cycles, so your cat is not going to have to take them very often. It all depends on the pill and its makeup.

Spot-on treatments usually need to be reapplied every month. Usually, cat parents will get into a routine where they’re just doing it on a certain day of the month, every month, and it works well for them.

Kitten Care vs. Cat Treatment

Flea treatment for kittens is very different than for cats. You can’t really use any sort of flea product for kittens until they are at least 8 weeks old (but in some cases, it could be up to 6 months).

So, what are you supposed to do if your very young kitten gets fleas? You usually need to remove the fleas manually, with a flea comb or specialized brush. There are a couple of treatments that are okay for kittens 4 weeks old or older – just make sure that you talk to your vet before you try anything.

Natural Ingredients

Did you know that you can find natural flea treatment for cats? Essential oils are effective ingredients to look for. These can include diluted neem oil, Quassia Bark, Geraniol, anise, and thyme. These help to repel pests of all sorts while also safe on a cat’s fur and skin.

Dish soap, lemon spray, rosemary, and baking soda are additional options that work to a certain extent. The ingredients listed above, however, will be more reliable when it comes to getting fleas off of your cat and preventing them from coming back.

Ease of Use

It’s always nice to have an easy way to get rid of fleas on cats – and many products that are available try to make that a possibility. Both oral and spot-on treatments should be simple to use.

Read the instructions on the box or ask your vet about your options. If you have a cat that can be difficult, they may also have some recommendations as to how you can keep them calm and relaxed while you’re taking care of pest issues.

Dosage Options

As you explore your options for vet recommended flea treatment for cats, you will notice that there are a lot of options on the package regarding dosage.

Be sure that you read these carefully ahead of time. These will be based on age, health, and/or weight, allowing you to understand what sort of dosage that you will want to give to your cat. If the chart doesn’t include your cat’s weight, age, or health, then you want to talk to your vet to see if they have a recommended dosage.

Does it Reduce Risk of Disease?

The majority of flea and tick medications are dual purpose; they are supposed to prevent bugs from getting onto your pet in the first place, and kill any bugs that may already be on the cat.

But aside from causing severe irritation, fleas and ticks also carry diseases like lyme disease, mycoplasma haemofelis, tapeworms, and bartonella henselae (better known as “cat scratch disease”). Look on the label to see if the product mentions anything related to reducing the risk of these diseases.


For topical solutions, you want to be sure that you don’t leave any residue. Any sort of residue is going to annoy your cat and will make it more likely that they try to get it off, thus ingesting it when they shouldn’t be. Flea powder for cats is especially susceptible to leaving residue.

You can always test it out to see if it leaves a film or something sticky on your skin after applying it. Also, look at the label to see if the product contains lufenuron or nitenpyram. These are known for not leaving any sort of residue on the fur.


The best flea prevention for cats may not always be the most effective at ridding a cat of fleas. Some products, such as those with rotenone, work well to repel adult pests but won’t necessarily affect eggs or those in the earlier stages of life.

If you’ve already noticed fleas, it’s likely that there are two or more generations in the larva or pupa stage hanging out in your cat’s fur. That means you need a product that will actually kill them, not just a preventative treatment.

Dips and Shampoos

If your cat has already been infested, then you may be looking for dips and shampoos that can help to get rid of the fleas that they are currently having issues with.

When you look for dips and shampoos, try to find something that is meant for cats with sensitive skin. They should have natural ingredients that will kill eggs, larva, and adults. Find something that has a pleasant smell and that doesn’t leave residue after it’s rinsed off.

Brand Reputation

You want to be sure that you take a look at the brand that is offering the flea treatment. This is a time where you don’t want to go with a generic brand – pay a little extra in order to get it from a name that you recognize.

People who have cats are always willing to share their stories with brands that they like or dislike for one reason or another. Search around the web to see which brands have the best reputation and you’ll be on your way.

EPA or FDA Approved

Lastly, when you’re searching for this sort of product, you want to be sure that you find something that has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and/or the US Food and Drug Administration.

These have been tested thoroughly by the named organization and have been found to be safe and effective for your furry friend’s needs. Look for it on the label of the best cat flea treatment on the market – it’s usually pretty clearly marked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use flea collars?

Are flea collars safe for cats? Yes. These collars are designed in a way that allows for prevention of fleas and ticks. They usually have some sort of chemical that prevents fleas and ticks from even getting onto your cat in the first place.

That being said, if your cat doesn’t like wearing a collar or they have a knack for exploring, you want to be careful with collars. They could get caught on something, causing your cat distress or injury.

Can I use dog flea treatment for my cat?

Absolutely not! Cats and dogs have different biology and cats are sensitive to some of the chemicals that you will find in the treatment. There have been known cases of cats dying because they used a dog flea treatment instead of one formulated for cats.

Especially problematic is the chemical permethrin. This is an insecticide that is safe for most animals, but cats are very sensitive to it, and cats can end up with permethrin poisoning if they use a dog’s flea treatment.

How effective are sprays?

There are a variety of sprays available for flea treatment, but they usually aren’t for prevention. They will kill any adult fleas and ticks upon contact, and some of them will take care of eggs.

Sprays aren’t necessarily the safest flea treatment for cats, because of the ingredients and because they may end up licking some of it off when grooming. You’re usually better off with oral and spot-on treatments.

Can a cat be allergic to flea treatment?

Yes, they can. Sometimes, the treatment may have ingredients that your cat is sensitive to or allergic to, so you want to keep an eye on them after you go through with a treatment. Always read the ingredients before applying anything to your cat, as well – it could prevent a lot of problems.

Allergic reactions to flea treatment can include itching, congestion, hives, salivating, vomiting, diarrhea, and strange flicking motions in the paw or ears.

Are there other preventative steps I can take?

Absolutely! If you’re trying to prevent your cat from getting fleas, be sure that you are consistently grooming them. Whether that’s with a flea comb that is designed to get rid of any bugs in their fur, or just their ordinary brush, it can help to remove adult fleas before they bite or lay eggs.

If your cat goes outdoors, you may also want to consider natural yard treatments that keep fleas and ticks at bay. These treatments are generally safe for pets, but be sure to talk to your landscaping professional so they know to use pet-safe options.


  1. Safe Use of Flea and Tick Products in Pets, US Food & Drug Administration, Jun 23, 2014
  2. Flea control in cats: new concepts and the current armoury, National Institutes of Health, Jan 15, 2013
  3. Avoid Counterfeit Pesticide Products for Dogs and Cats, United States Environmental Protection Agency, May 29, 2018
  4. Cat Flea Infestation in a Hospital: A Case Report, National Institutes of Health, Mar 10, 2012
  5. Low Cost Vaccines, Microchips, Flea & Tick Treatment for Cats and Dogs, Longbeach, Jun 25, 2015
  6. Fleas: A Source of Torment for your Cat, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
  7. Cat flea treatment, Wikipedia
  8. Protect Your Cat From Fleas, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Apr 1, 2017
  9. Dermatology Fact Sheets, School of Veterinary Medicine, Jun 22, 2018
  10. Are spot-on flea and tick products safe for my pets?, National Pesticide Information Center, Jun 3, 2016

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